Anyhow, my point in writing this post is this:
My sister pulled me over to this one booth because she thought the pottery looked cool. I had sort of had it with looking at pottery, seeing as we have more than enough at home and could only afford so many 'whole earth'-oriented things anyhow. But I spied a display of book-cover notebooks hanging in the back- Babar books, Dr. Seuss books- and had to take a look. And I pretty much flipped out when I realised there was a Nancy Drew one. Who knew!
The woman at the booth was very nice and revealed to me not just one Nancy Drew notebook, but- a gift from the gods!- an entire box of them.
I ended up buying the one I saw first (see above photo). Looking through it now, it's even cooler than I originally thought...
It's essentially a sketchbook or a journal- but with some pages from the book cut out and put in periodically.
What I think is really cool, however, is the fact that all of the books were headed to a landfill and were salvaged to make these journals. It's really sad to think someone would want to just throw out a book like that (I am a book-lover- even if you don't like it, you can easily give it to someone who would love to read it). But turning that into a creative project is just flipping awesome.
And they have a website:
I love this notebook so much that I'm advertising for you guys. (Not to mention that I bought this journal when I already have enough to last me two lifetimes.)
I recommend checking it out!
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